The Practical Blessings of Humility, Forgiveness and Gratitude

Christianity Today recently published an article I found fascinating. The article shared the results of studies that show the practical benefits that come to a person who readily forgives others, practices gratitude and demonstrates humility in their relationships.

Here’s a short excerpt from the original article (with the tongue-in-cheek title of “What Brilliant Psychologists Like Me Are Learning About Humility” by Mark R. McMinn)…

“…For example, studies have now found a striking array of benefits around forgiveness. Compared to less-forgiving peers, forgiving people have lower blood pressure; lower bad cholesterol and resting heart rates; improved sleep and immune systems; less depression, anxiety, and anger; enhanced relationships; more optimism; and a greater sense of overall well-being.

“Similarly, grateful people view their lives more favorably than others, have increased energy and self-confidence, and demonstrate better coping. They are more generous and optimistic, have a greater sense of purpose, have fewer medical problems, exercise more, and sleep better than their peers.

“As with forgiveness and gratitude, humility fosters physical, mental, and relational health. Humble people are more grateful and forgiving, so they enjoy the benefits of those virtues. They are also more generous and helpful than others, have better romantic relationships, have less anxiety about death, and experience less spiritual struggle. They perform better at school and work, show more compassion to others, and even have better self-esteem than less humble people.”

Click here to read the entire article.


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