Here are seven of the best articles/videos I came across this week for your encouragement and enjoyment!
1) Think You Know the Christmas Story?
Here are Five Common Misconceptions
by Michael Kruger
“These five misconceptions remind us that sometimes our picture of scriptural stories is shaped more by popular perceptions and modern retellings than by the text itself. But when we take a closer look at the biblical clues, a wonderful—and hopefully more accurate—picture emerges of what happened that night nearly 2,000 years ago.
And what happened that night still stands as one of the most monumental events in human history. God became a man and entered our dark, cold world to redeem a sinful people.
And that is a story that should transform our “Bah, humbug” into a hearty “Merry Christmas.”
2) 7 Encouraging Trends in Global Christianity for 2023
Here are seven trends to encourage you about the status of Christianity around the world from the 2023 Status of Global Christianity Report.
3) Drawing Near: Loving Your Adult Children and Grandchildren
By Brenda Harstine
“When children move from reliance on their parents toward the independence of adulthood, it can be disorienting. Initially, parents set the guidelines for behavior and schedules in the home, but adult children grow toward autonomy by moving out, pursuing careers, and establishing households—households with a culture of their own.”
Here are five practical tips on loving your adult children and grandchildren well.
4) When You Poke God in the Eye
by Tim Challies
“There are a number of places in Scripture where God refers to his people as “the apple of his eye”—a delightful phrase that has been translated and adopted by the English language… but I think there is another application that ought to concern you and me.
We need to know that when we turn on our fellow Christians, when we hurt or harm them, when we belittle or insult them, we are likewise poking God in the eye. When we exaggerate their faults or diminish their graces, we are reaching out a finger toward his pupil. When we treat them poorly instead of well, when we tear them down instead of build them up, when we curse them instead of bless them, we are like a piece of grit in the eye of God.
And we should not expect that God will stand idly by while we do damage to what he regards as most precious.”
5) 10 Key Bible Verses on Music
Christmas and music tend to go together. So, what does the Bible say about music?
6) At 101, his secret to happiness? Making new friends.
The Washington Post
“At 101, most of your close friends have gone by,” says Paul Snyder, who lives in Kensington, Md. “But you can keep making new ones.”
Paul Snyder walks around Kensington, Md., wearing a hat that reads: MADE IN 1921. It’s a good conversation starter.
At almost 102 years old, Snyder believes the secret to successful aging is making new friends. He befriends people wherever he goes: the grocery store, the doctor’s office, church, the nail salon. Many people in his Parkwood neighborhood call him “Grandpa Paul.”
“At 101, most of your close friends have gone by,” said Snyder, who has lived in the same home since 1951. “But you can keep making new ones.” Snyder’s circle of pals grows weekly. Some of his fondest bonds have been formed in recent years.
7) ‘Tears streaming down my face’:
New Chevy commercial hits home with Americans
Declaring ‘let’s make today a good day,’ a new ad released by Chevrolet offers a ray of hope for the families of Americans affected by Alzheimer’s and dementia.
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