Author: admin
Quit the Sweatshop Religion Game
My question for you today is simply this: Do you really (really?) believe that Jesus “paid it all”…and that you now (as a believer in Jesus Christ) stand before Him totally and completely forgiven and clothed in the perfect righteousness of Christ? Here’s an excellent post I came across from Pastor Justin Buzzard on the “gospel…
To Quote: Trusting God’s Goodness in the Midst of Suffering
“For I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:18 NIV84) “When we allow God to be exalted in our difficulties we are in the perfect place to smell the fragrance of His Presence.” (A.W. Tozer) “God is in the business of turning…
Institutional Winter is for the Birds!
One of the men that influenced me and was (what I call) a “mentor from a distance” was Dr. Joseph C. Aldrich, former president of Multnomah School of the Bible (now Multnomah University and Multnomah Biblical Seminary). He served as president of Multnomah from 1978 to 1997, when he had to step down due to…
William Carey’s 11 Commandments of Missions
I love history and I love biography. The more I read these genres, the more I realize how much we can (and should) learn from those that have gone before us. We live in a day and age in which we “worship at the feet of modernity.” When asked to describe what is “the heresy of modernity,”…
Do you remember what was happening in your life in 1975? This week, I’m honored to share with you the ministry work of GTN staff member, as well as long time friend and brother in Christ, Dan Smythe. Dan has been on staff with GTN for 5 years now, and I regularly hear dozens of exciting, life-transforming stories from him about the fruit God is…
Consumer Christianity: Moving from Man-Centered Living to God-Centered Abandon (Part 2)
“When Christ calls a man, He bids him come and die. The cross is laid on every Christian. It begins with the call to abandon the attachments of this world. It is that dying of the old man which is the result of his encounter with Christ.” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer) “More missionaries have been martyred for…
Consumer Christianity: Moving from Man-Centered Living to God-Centered Abandon
It’s been over four months since my last blog post. Why? In a nutshell: GTN has been in the middle of the single most significant growth in our eight years. By God’s grace, we’ve added 24 new staff in the last 9 months – going from 40 staff to over 60. Along with managing the…
The Great Omission
This last month has been incredibly busy, filled with many exciting ministry developments throughout Global Training Network. Because of that, it’s been awhile since I have shared an update on my blog. I did want to give you a brief update from the Desiring God National Pastors Conference in Minneapolis, MN that took place this past…
The Day I Almost Quit
It was the Spring of 1993. The church that God had led my wife, Lisa, and I to plant back in the Fall of 1990, was two and a half years old. Lisa and I were up in the mountains of northern Arizona for a few days of much needed R & R. Where…
Does the Word “Evangelical” Mean Anything Anymore?
As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I’ll be returning soon to my series on “What I Wish (as a Pastor) that I had Known, Understood, Believed and Lived 30 years ago.” I’ll be sharing “Lesson 8” (out of 12). My summer has been far busier than anticipated due (by God’s grace) to continued ministry…