Category: Uncategorized

  • Cumulative Little Choices

    All of the little choices that you and I make have a long term cumulative effect on our lives. Randy Alcorn recently wrote a great article on this subject. Here are a few quotes that I pulled from the post (emphasis mine). Cumulative Little Choices By Randy Alcorn “Every day we’re becoming someone—the question is,…

  • Quotes to Note – Spring Edition

    “Worrying is carrying tomorrow’s load with today’s strength – carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows; it empties today of its strength.” (Corrie Ten Boom) “As soon as we think God owes us mercy, we’re not thinking about mercy anymore.” (R.C. Sproul) “There is…

  • Holding on to God when He seems distant and silent

    If you’ve ever been through a time when God seems absent and heaven seems silent, you’ll be encouraged by  pastor and seminary professor Jared Wilson’s recent article entitled: The Lord is Never Late. The Lord is Never Late by Jared Wilson Reading in my friend Michael Kelley’s book Wednesdays Were Pretty Normal, about his family’s journey…

  • Easter Week in Real Time

    I thought this post by Russ Ramsey on The Gospel Coalition blog was a helpful guide to the chronology of events that took place during the last week of Jesus’ life. Enjoy! Easter Week in Real Time by Russ Ramsey As we enter Holy Week—that sacred span from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday—here is a…

  • Brokenness

    “No one gets through a broken world unbroken.” (Ed Stetzer) If you’ve lived long enough, you know the truth of the above statement. Several years ago, I read a short little book entitled Brokenness: The Heart God Revives by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. I’ve come back to it many times over the years because of its…

  • The Illusion of Control

    Today, I wanted to share a portion of Dr. Timothy Keller’s book, Counterfeit Gods, that I found to be particularly insightful. Enjoy! “What do you have that you did not receive?” (1 Corinthians 4:6) Sociologist Christian Smith gave the name “moralistic, therapeutic deism” to the dominant understanding of God he discovered among younger Americans. In…

  • 6 Principles for How to Argue When You Disagree

    You may have noticed that I have a newly updated design on my blog – all thanks to my son, James Madson (JM Designs)! It was a timely and much appreciated gift from him for Christmas this last year. Thanks James! One important update – there is a new “Search” feature now included which allows…

  • Wisdom from Proverbs

    One of the things that God used in my life as a young teenager (and brand new Christ-follower) was being given a copy of The Living Bible (a paraphrase of the Scriptures by Ken Taylor). It was the early 1970’s and the only Bible I had used up to that point was the old King…

  • Life is but a Breath – Making the Most of 2017

    “When you come to the end of your life and have nothing but death to look forward to and nothing but memories to look back upon, what will you need to see to determine that your life was significant and well spent?” Recently I taught on the brevity of life and what matters most –…

  • Quotes to Note – New Year 2017

    “Jesus Christ knows you completely. Why would you ever run from someone who knows everything about you and still loves you?” (Colin Smith) “As pain tells us of the need for healing, worry tells us of the need for prayer.” (Richard Lovelace) “If I am growing spiritually, that means I am becoming more bothered by…