Category: Uncategorized

  • Hidden Christmas

    Matt Smethurst, Managing Editor of The Gospel Coalition, recently interviewed Tim Keller about his brand new book Hidden Christmas. Here are a few questions from the interview with selected excerpts from the answers (click here to read the full article):   Tim Keller wants you to stop underestimating Christmas By Matt Smethurst Why is Christmas…

  • How Christianity Flourishes

    I wanted to share a timely article from author Jared C. Wilson that I found to be hopeful and encouraging. Enjoy! How Christianity Flourishes By Jared C. Wilson Christian mission has always thrived by surging in the margins and under the radar. When we somehow get into positions of power, the wheels always come off.…

  • Quotes to Note – October 2016

    “The burdens of this day aren’t bigger than the shoulders of our God.” “Bad discipleship: Giving God a place in our story. Gospel discipleship: Taking our place in God’s story.” (Scotty Smith) “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it, including you.” (Anne Lamott) #Sabbath “Nazi death camp survivor Viktor E. Frankl (1905-1997) wrote, ‘Happiness [is] the…

  • Making Sense of God: An Invitation to the Skeptical by Dr. Timothy Keller

    I wanted to share about an excellent new book released by author and pastor, Dr. Timothy Keller. Matt Smethurst, Managing Editor of The Gospel Coalition, wrote the following about it on Tuesday: “In Making Sense of God: An Invitation to the Skeptical (Viking) [20 quotes], Keller offers a prequel to his bestselling The Reason for God (2008). Whereas that…

  • Important thoughts on the worst mass shooting in American History (Orlando, FL)

    I wanted to share with you (what I consider to be) some very important, thoughtful, wise and ultimately Scriptural thoughts having to do with the Orlando tragedy. I pulled a few quotes from the two best articles that I read this week on the subject. I wish every Christ-Follower could read them. Hyperlinks are included…

  • Are You Called? Thoughts to Stimulate and Challenge Your Idea of Calling

    “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” (Frederick Buechner) “The maid who sweeps her kitchen is doing the will of God just as much as the monk who prays—not because she may sing a Christian hymn as she sweeps but because God loves…

  • Good Friday Reflections

    “For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (1 Corinthians 1:18 NASB) Our growth in holiness does not come by becoming obsessed with the sin we are trying to overcome. Rather, it comes by becoming obsessed with…

  • Jerry Bridges (1929 – 2016), an author who impacted me deeply

    Jerry Bridges, well-known author and Christian speaker, passed away this week. Over the past 35+ years I have read almost all of Jerry’s books (20), and God has used them to impact me in profound ways. There were four of Jerry’s books that I read twice (yes, they were that good): The Pursuit of Holiness…

  • Living for Something (and Someone) Bigger than Yourself

    Last week, John Piper wrote a blog post that I found to be soul-stirring and challenging, especially as one of the “Baby Boomer” generation. I wanted to share it with you. Here is his post in its entirety: Hillary, Bernie, Donald and Me  by John Piper   At 70, I am energized to dream great…

  • Soli Deo Gloria

    This past weekend, the staff of Global Training Network traveled from across the country and around the world to gather together in the heart of Phoenix for three days of worship, prayer, teaching, collaboration and strategic planning for greater ministry effectiveness in the months and years to come. I’ve never felt more privileged to work…