Category: Uncategorized
Stand Alone Post: Decisions, Choices, and Wisdom . . .
Here are a few quotes on decisions, choices and wisdom… “Good and evil both increase at compound interest. The little decisions you and I make every day are of infinite importance.” (C. S. Lewis) “Our lives are (to a large degree) a product of the choices we make. Make right choices.” (Chuck Swindoll) “Everyday we…
God’s Grace, Mercy and Greatness
Here are a few quotes on God’s grace, mercy and greatness… “At the cross, the love of God and the wrath of God shake hands; the mercy of God and the justice of God embrace; and the holiness of God and the sinfulness of humanity appear in stark contrast.” (William P. Farely, from his book…
Troubles, Trials, and Trusting God . . .
For almost 35 years now, I have been a voracious collector of “quotable quotes,” “nuggets of wisdom,” and “pithy sayings.” I think if I were to count them and put them all together, there would be well over 15,000. Great quotes boil a whole bunch of truth down into a simple and memorable sentence or…
(Part 1) Humility: That Elusive, All-Important, Hard-to-Define Character Trait
If someone were to ask me, “Paul, what do you consider to be, one of the most (if not the most) important character traits in being used by God, in having a happy, healthy marriage and in having long-term successful relationships with friends and family?” My answer: Humility. No one has helped me more in…
(Part 1) The Cross (i.e. Gospel) Centered Life: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing
“At the cross, the love of God and the wrath of God shake hands; the mercy of God and the justice of God embrace; and the holiness of God and the sinfulness of humanity appear in stark contrast.” (William P. Farley, from Outrageous Mercy) One of my concerns as I view Christianity in America today…
Milk Cows, Worldview and the Transformation of Cultures
This week, I wanted to pass on to you a few thoughts from Gary Brumbelow of the Disciple Nations Alliance. Over the past few years, I have learned a great deal (through books and missions periodicals, as well as many conversations with Christian leaders from around the world) about what it takes to bring true,…
On the pastoral, leadership and theological famine ravaging the world today…
A few weeks ago, I heard a great analogy that describes the role of pastoral and leadership training throughout the developing world… “Pastoral and leadership training here in America is like opening another restaurant – there’s one on virtually every corner. On the other hand, pastoral and leadership training throughout the developing world is like opening…
(Part 6) Heaven: Living "here" in light of "there"
“Until you have found something worth dying for, you have not found something worth living for!” “Out of all the eternal ages of our existence as God’s children, these tiny years here on earth have a destiny that can never be repeated. The Bible tells us that in the stench of a sick and rotting…
(Part 5) Heaven: Living "here" in light of "there"
As I write this, I have just returned from the funeral service for fallen Phoenix Police Officer, Travis Murphy. Travis is the nephew of some long time friends of ours, Dale and Theresa Crull. Officer Murphy was only 29 years old and had a young daughter and a two-week-old son. As you can imagine, his…
(Part 4) Heaven: Living 'here' in light of 'there'
“Only two things are sure in life: death and taxes,” so goes the famous saying. A story is told of the famed philosopher Diogenes. He was looking intently at a large collection of human bones that were piled one upon the other. Alexander the Great stood nearby and became curious about what Diogenes was doing.…