Category: Uncategorized
(Part 3) Heaven: Living 'here' in light of 'there'
“I say the tragedy is how you’re gonna spend the rest of your nights with the light on so shine the light on all of your friends when it all amounts to nothing in the end I won’t worry my life away . . .” – Lyrics to ‘The Remedy” by Jason Mraz Did you…
(Part 2) Heaven: Living here in light of there
Do you ever get tired of this world? It’s dashed dreams and broken promises . . . suffering and injustices . . . the pain and hurt and disappointment? When we grow weary of this world, there’s a good reason. It’s because we’ve been made for another world. This isn’t heaven. This isn’t our final…
Part 1: Heaven: Living Here in Light of There
“He who provides for this life but takes no care for eternity is wise for a moment but a fool forever.” Today I am beginning a new blog in which I will share a few quotes, thoughts and reflections on various issues in life and ministry. Each post will be fairly brief and to the…